This morning as I was perusing the web for some breakfast ideas I came along this gem of an idea that not only appalled me but evoked a disturbing emotion in me that started something like “what the #*$@ are some people thinking?” Now… I know that there are no hard and fast rules as to what constitutes breakfast, but on NO planet should the picture on the right be considered a ‘breakfast’ fit for a child!
OK. deep breaths…If you’re wondering what crazy Libby is ranting about this time, look no further than here. This is a teacher’s resource website that for this particular post, is encouraging that children practice the skills of counting, sorting and color recognition through the tactile manipulation of Fruit Loops!
The instructions are as follows:
1. Print and laminate a rainbow page for each child playing.
2. Give each child a rainbow page and a bowl of colored cereal like Fruit Loops. Even colored fish can be used! (Libby’s note: what the heck are colored fish?)
3. Let your child fill in each rainbow section with a color of their choice!
Optional: Count the cereal pieces in each section and all together!
Remember to eat the cereal when you finish!
Up to #3 isn’t terrible, not great, but not terrible. I do however, get my knickers in a knot with the final instruction to the assignment: “remember to eat the cereal when you finish!” As if modern day kids don’t get enough junk and processed food! The assault on real food even goes on in the classroom!
Please don’t misunderstand, I am not launching an assault on teachers. I am a former teacher myself, but educators, like many others need a wake up call! Including fake ‘food’ in a teaching lesson is counterproductive and as parents we need to not only protect our children but wake educators and others up from their passive slumber and educate them on value of real food.